Friday, January 6, 2012

Accumulation of financial assets in accordance with the extraordinary efforts to the company, The Family LLC

There are 5 employees all hired, more or less willingly, to provide labor to The Family LLC.
No one receives salary but can accumulate financial compensation for individual services and extraordinary efforts.

This means the three younger employees now have a form on the inside of a kitchen cabinet door, where they check mark each time they've performed a specified task. Each of the tasks has a value, and every now and then they receive their payment in cash.

Do you have any idea of what such a system can cause?

Well, the younger employees have daily fights about who's going to set the table, who's shoveling the snow, who's walking the dog (oh, no we don't have a dog!), who's bringing the laundry to the launrdy room etc.
In other words: A great system!

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