We loaded all our backpacks with foods, tent, sleeping bags, sleeping pads and tons of warm clothes. We carried it all for about a mile until we found a great place to camp and pitch our tent.
The sun shone brightly, the temperature was pretty good, but it was quite windy.
But the wind could not stop five kids from 3 to 9 and four grown ups from enjoying.
Sitting around the camp fire listening to the sparks that crackles around the fire and the wind in the treetops, it feels so good! I just can't help loving that feeling of living, that feeling of being free!
Then comes the night. The tent makes a perfect shelter from the wind. We all snuggle in our sleeping bags waiting for the sleep to come. For the kids there seem to be no problems. The grown ups have a bit more trouble. I lie and listen to the kids breathing and the wind trying to lift up the whole tent. I'm glad the tent stacks are firmly rooted in the ground because the wind does not go easy on us!
The wind dies down a bit and my daugther is coughing, I am coughing too - as silent as possible, not to wake up all the others.
The zipper of the tent opens, someone has to go... I prefere to stay in my sleeping bag.
Everything becomes qiuet again and I try to fall asleep. Then some tiny little birds start chirping, a beautiful song to praise the very early morning and the raindrops I can clearly hear falling on the tent.
From now I must have fallen asleep for a short while. The kids are suddenly all awake. So are everybody else.
Halleluja! It's a new morning!
Time for another fire, fetching water, making porridge for breakfast.
We continue eating. And right before we are all ready to head home, it suddenly pours. Within minutes we all get soaked. I'm glad we have good clothes!
There will be pics - but not now :)