Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pools in the area

The thought of everyone having admission to at least one pool was very strange to me before I came here.
After living here for a while it becomes normal. The questions usually are Where do we go? Whoes pool are we using this week?
Fridays we often bring some friends home or go to some friends place. We've been swimming in lots of the pools around here.
But we do have a few favorites. Deep pools with diving boards or the beautiful Woodbridge lakes are among them.

Yesterday it was father's day here. We went to see one of the boys' friend and his family - and their pool ;-)   - one of the Woodbridge pools!


  1. Å de er så heldige! Skulle likt å hatt eit basseng her og! De får nyte det så lenge de kan. :-)
