Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wild Animal Park

We did it again!
This morning we loaded the car full of stuff and people (seven in all) and hit the road.
San Diego or more precise Wild Animal Park was the destination.
We do not really need to go to a park to find and admire wild animals - we allready have them at home ;-)
But off we went and the animals in the park didn't let us down today either.
Amazing as always.

Here are a handfull of pictures from today.

This one is my favorite:


  1. Wow, beautiful! You have a good eye - and some serious photography skills!

  2. Så nydelige bilder du tar!! Fin blogg :)

  3. Fantastiske bilder av vakre dyr. Anbefaler du oss å dra innom San Diego i sommer Grethe?

  4. He-he, vanskelig å si. Vi elsker Wild Animal Park.
    SD Zoo er også helt greit. Så er det jo Seaworld der.
    Regner med dere har vokst i fra Legoland ;-)
    San Diego som by er vel som byer flest...

  5. Så flotte og levende bilder !!!
