Monday, January 24, 2011

Just a little bit of...

The kids are in bed.
But before I put them in bed, I left the dinner table without cleaning up a thing. That means I cannot sit down yet.
So I go back up to do my duty. On the table I find my wallet, and decide to go downstairs to put it in my pocket. I suddenly remember that I should have been to the bathroom. I go in there just to find some bathroom cleaning I left on the floor because someone didn't aim that well earlier. I have to wash and clean the floor.
I figure out it is time to get some fresh towels for the bathroom, and carry the dirty ones all the way down to the basement. The washer is done, and I have to hang up the clothes. Another pile of clothes is to be washed and I tuck it in the washer.
On my way up the staircase I remember some of the boots are wet today, and I put the dryer in two pair of boots and turn it on.
I'm starting to getting tired. I go upstairs to relax in the sofa. What? Nobody cleaned the table?


  1. Hahaha :-DDDD helt fantastisk!! Den der kan du godt dele på DG. Takk for en god latter før leggetid!

  2. Har du vært flue på veggen her, Grethe?
    - og det tar jo for søren aldri slutt...
