Well, I wouldn't go that far say our life is a mess, but have you seen our apartment? This place has always been kind of chaotic, but now it's worse than ever.
Three big bags left for Norway in the end of June. Now three other bags are filled with stuff we won't need until we come home.
We are waiting for people coming to pick up stuff they want to buy from us, we wonder how we are going to fit everything in our baggages, and we try to figure out what we just don't want to bother bringing back, what is more convenient to buy here due to price and availability compared to Norway. Wow this is such a puzzle! We are planning to fill up and bring home nothing less than 11 suit cases/bags. That sounds like a lot, but I'm not quite so sure.
All our books and documents will be shipped back - somehow - and I'm pretty sure we have at least 150 pounds of books. They will not be counted in with the rest of the bagage.
These are the things that fill and occupy our brains now a days.
And yes, I do admit our problems are few and insignificant. And yes, we are lucky. We don't have too much to worry about. Even though we know this, it can't stop us from worrying a bit - the apartment reflects our minds.