Some every day reflections from a mother of twins, mother of a sigleton, mother of boys, mother of a girl, digiscrapaddict, hobby photographer, nature lover, wife, daughter, sister, employee, tax payer etc.
As the title says: A tower of babel.
Yesterday we went swimming - indoors of course. Today we spent 5 wonderful hours downhill skiing with sunlight all over the place. This was the 4th time for the boys, and the 3rd time for our little princesse going slalom. They are getting so good. Seems like they've been doing it for years!
There will be pics, but not today :)
Despite my hips not co-operating, I took the kids skiing today. The sun shone brigthly and the tracks were crispy. Quite cold and a bit too windy, but perfect for a campfire and some hotdogs, hot chocolate and some tree climbing. Hubby had to work, so the four of us had to enjoy without him.
We surely made it in time!
We picked up and cleaned up the whole place and were ready about 20 minutes before our friends came over.
This was what it looked like:
I think we did a great job. Now we can just start making a new mess after having other friends over tonight.
Ok, I knew it, because that was what we left when we went to bed - so it wasn't that big a shock, but anyway. At 6 p.m. some friends are coming over for dinner. Hope it looks a little bit better by then...
The kids don't care. They have their own little den downstairs:
Our kids never drew on the wall, not accidentally nor intentionally.
We are pleased with that.
But they all love drawing. And they make tons of drawings a week.
Great was the joy when we told them they could draw on the walls.
We are renovating (our living room this time) and the walls are to be covered anyway. Most of the drawings are wintersport games.